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Tuesday, December 15, 2009


I'm hefting a lot of baggage this week. Here to there. Start to finish. Go to stop.

My classes come to a close this week and in lieu of a formal final exam/critique, I am hosting a last meal at the West Bank Social Center. I have asked my students to imagine their last meals and to invent two sets of place settings for the occasion. This Thursday we will sit down and toast our last meals together, celebrating the intersection of food and art, the end of a long grueling semester, and our lives which fortunately for us are not at an end but a beginning, a midpoint, or an end we just have yet to know.

I was in a show this past weekend. The curator asked us to assemble works within a week, a concept rather foreign to me as I tend to pour over projects for months. It was rather refreshing and the images from that installation will be up on the website soon.

Ends, lots of endings this week. Lots of beginnings as well. Appropo.

Check out this inspiring sailor: She is amazing.
Lauren Herzak-Bauman

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